Hej, ni momaka nad naših seljaka.
/ Nit curica nad naših šokica. / |
Hey, there are no finer lads than our village lads,
and no girls finer than our Slavonian girls. |
Bolje mi nego vi,
vi ste malo šašavi. Vidi vam se po nogama da ne znate složit s nama! Bolji naši nego vaši, naši vaše nadigraše! |
We are better than you are,
you are a little crazy. One can see by your feet that you can't keep in step with us. Our dancers are better than yours, ours have out-danced yours. |
Hej, kad zaigra pusta Slavonija
/ pod njima se zemlica uvija. / |
Hey, when great Slavonia starts to dance,
the earth moves beneath them. |
Uze baba vriću maka
pa metnula kraj didaka. Kad se didak probudio vriću maka zagrlio. Tud su ruke, tud je glava kom je vragu noge dala? |
Grandma took a bag of poppyseed
and put it next to grandpa. When grandpa woke up, he hugged the bag of poppyseed. Here are the arms, here's the head, what the devil has she done with her legs? |
Hej, gospodine, čitaj sad novine,
/ da gradimo prugu omladine. / |
Hey, mister, read the newspapers.
We are building the youth railway. |
Hop, jore, na vijore,
ljubio bi sam' da more, ljubio bi i gajdaš, samo seko da se daš! |
Hey, running around like crazy,
That guy would steal a kiss if he could. The gajda1 player would steal one, too, if only you would give them out, girl! |
Hej, majka piše brigadiru sinu
/ da izgradi novu domovinu. / |
Hey, a mother writes to her son in the work brigade
that he should build a new homeland. |
Hop, čiću, poskočiću,
pridrž'te me, odletiću, il' u vriću il' u džak, il' sa dragim u budžak! |
Hey, chee-choo, I'm going to jump.
Hold me down, I'm going to take o®, into a sack or into a bag, or into a corner with my sweetheart! |